

A World of Strangers Weep for You – RIP Amanda Todd

Yesterday, a Port-Coquitlam teenager, Amanda Todd, committed suicide after suffering countless attacks of bullying. The girl had created a YouTube video sharing...

Written by Amy C · 1 min read >
A World of Strangers Weep for You - RIP Amanda Todd - Heart Hackers Club -  - Page Six

Yesterday, a Port-Coquitlam teenager, Amanda Todd, committed suicide after suffering countless attacks of bullying. The girl had created a YouTube video sharing her story of how she was physically attacked and cyber-bullied. Amanda Todd shared her story hoping that it would help other victims of bullying. In a presentation on bullying she had created earlier in September, she urges:

“If you see that someone is being bullied, don’t be afraid to tell the bully to stop doing what they are doing. Make sure to tell them that it’s wrong and that they shouldn’t bully other kids.”

The story of Amanda breaks my heart. I cannot imagine the pain and how alone this young girl must have felt. To feel like you have no options but to take your own life to escape the pain must have been one really dark and scary place. I wish that her story inspires others – both children and adults, to remember to act with kindness. We never know the story of someone and what they may be going through. We never know if they are at a tipping point.

It shocks me that cyberbullying is still running rampant. It horrifies me that there are websites out there that are dedicated on tearing other people down. It saddens me that there are commenters (usually anonymous) that participate in insulting and name calling on forums and comment boards.

I may not be able to single handedly tear down the websites and commenters that do this, but I can make a choice to try my best to be kind and compassionate. I can stand up for people who are being bullied, I can talk to my younger cousins about the topic, and one day, when I have children, I can teach them to always treat people the way they want to be treated. Imagine if we all did this – if we all had these conversations, if we refused to be bystanders when others are being hurt, if we stopped the negative commentary about others – both in our daily conversations and online…. perhaps we won’t have to lose another innocent kid.

A world of strangers weep for you Amanda. May you rest in peace.

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Written by Amy C
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing the heart. Marie Claire calls her "A relationship expert whose work is like that of a scientific Carrie Bradshaw" and her company has been featured across national media including Good Morning America, Vogue, Glamour, Nightline along with the front page of The New York Times. Her book, Breakup Bootcamp - The Science of Rewiring Your Heart, published by Harper Collins, will be released Fall 2020. Profile

A personal note

Amy Chan in Life
  ·   1 min read

11 Replies to “A World of Strangers Weep for You – RIP Amanda Todd”

  1. I watched that video last night and cried. I wish I saw the video earlier because I would’ve tried to contact her and reach out to her. It’s too bad that it’s too late. 🙁 I wasn’t bullied in school but in elementary, I was a part of a group who bullied people and thankfully I really really learned my lesson before I got into high school which really turned me a nice and sympathetic person.

  2. I don’t feel one bit sorry for her ass ! She put herself out there to be victimized ! Screw that little whore !

  3. Dear “Oh Well”.
    I’m not going to launch into a series of insults and name-calling, as a comment like yours would typically evoke. I’m not going to assassinate your character for a comment that is so evidently mean and ignorant. Instead, I wish you only love and compassion, because I’m sure deep down inside, you’re probably struggling a tough battle yourself. You see, only hurt people hurt people. People who are filled with pain, suffering, fear, and insecurity are the ones that try to release it by pushing it out externally towards others. The people who bully, who inflict violence, who go around making anonymous, cruel comments are people that are always unhappy, and tormented.

    Happy, confident people do not engage in such behaviour. And whoever you are, it is sad that you feel so unhappy inside, that you feel that a way to feel a little bit better is through the use of hateful words. I’m not going to hate you for that. I’ll just hope and pray that people like you, also get the help you need to be healthy, functioning human beings in this society.

  4. Amy, I’m not a person that’s hurt but I would like nothing more than to inflict severe pain upon the “Oh well” commentator above.

  5. Dear “Somebody”.

    I relate – my first reaction upon reading such an inhumane comment made me want to do the same. However, reading the barrage of insults people were making to the people who were still being cyber-bullies, I realised, aren’t we doing exactly what we’re trying stop? Reacting with the same does of hatred, anger and vengeance doesn’t help, even though our primary instinct may be to retaliate.

    Thank you for reading. =)

  6. Hi Amy…

    Re. your response to “oh well”…..so well worded.

    Thank you for being a voice of reason and thoughtfulness.

    ” We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” – Dalai Lama

  7. On my Facebook, some people are writing “i want 5 min with the fags who toyed with Amanda Todd.” First off, way to jump on the bandwagon. Second, choose your words wisely – this person made it sound like he was standing up against bullies, but uses the word “fag”? How ironic. I’m not sure why people want to sound so caring of this situation, but to me, its starting seem like people are sharing the message just because everyone else is. Its not fixing the problem. Sort of like kony 2012, lol.

  8. You can help that pour soul find inner peace faster by passing along the IP address attached to the comment to the police.

  9. I was so devastated when I heard her story – to see people leaving negative comments not only here but also on support pages on facebook…. I can only feel sad for those people and truly hope that they never impact an individual the way the people who bullied Amanda did. I thought MY time in high school sucked – I am now terrified to bring a child into this world knowing that kids are treating each other this way and pushing people to the point of suicide. I too wish I had known her and seen her video so I could simply hold her and tell her how important she is to the world, and that she belongs. I truly hope her story makes an impact and her life isn’t for nought. She deserves so much more than that.

  10. so sad”,oh well ” your comment is one of the reasons people are the way they,anyone should be caring enough to lend an ear,extend a hand,these are children,whereever you live, be there,she was just a baby with her whole life ahead of her,anyone with problems talk to someone,and the kids these days should stop being ignorant to this drama you create,it cost a young girl her life

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