
Me, Self Esteem

Your Worth

We’ve all been there – feeling victimized by a friend, a boss, or a lover – who has treated us poorly or...

Written by Amy C · 3 min read >
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We’ve all been there – feeling victimized by a friend, a boss, or a lover – who has treated us poorly or unfairly. It’s an easy and common tendency to blame the other, make yourself out as the innocent, while seeking out particular people who will reaffirm that pain body within that encourages a “woe is me” mentality. But if you start to look back and analyze a bit, you may realize that the there is one common denominator in each scenario and situation. That common denominator is you.

You allow people to treat you the way they do. Your energy, confidence and attitude is the currency that others will transact with. I know many women, who have settled for less, and simply “accepted” cards dealt because deep inside, they don’t believe they deserve more. I’m sure you know of someone, who seems to have it all together in their life, but when it come to relationships, they just can’t seem to shake the habit of dating douchebags and douchettes.

In my life, I’ve created my destiny within my career, friendships and community. With friends, I’ve really embraced the fact that friends are all unique pieces of a pie. Some will be lifetime friends that are next to family, some are social friends, some acquaintances. I’ve learned to appreciate the various types and unique forms of value each friend brings, and as well as a system of how much and what kind of energy I invest to whom. I am blessed with the best friends ever, but that inner circle is sacred and thoughtfully selective.

However, in my relationships with men, I’ve witnessed myself apply a different system – if you can even call it a system at that. I’ve tolerated men who don’t appreciate me, who don’t value my heart, who take and take, who don’t call back, who have disrespected me – I’ve allowed men to not treat me what I’m worth. This is all a matter of self-esteem and my sense of self worth in the realm of being a woman in a romantic relationship. I’ve made excuses, justified, and eagerly re-entered the game of push and pull with men who clearly don’t really value me much at all. And you know what, it sucks and feels pretty crappy at the end – chipping away the low self-esteem that got me there in the first place even more.

It took me 28 years of being hungry for love, even desperate for it at times, heart aches, heart tramples, picking up that phone when every cell in your body knows it’s the unhealthy thing to do, obsessing, infactuating, idealizing – you name it, for me to finally wake up, and realize, that my most important relationship, is the one with myself.

I’ve learned to embrace self love. And while I’ll always be a perpetual student in this journey, I’ve made the decision to apply my successful method in dealing with friendships and business to how I do my relationships. I’ve stopped apologizing for who I am and have learned that I am “perfect” the way I am, right now, right here. I will constantly be growing, evolving and working on bad habits, but those flaws, those imperfections are part of the beauty that makes me, me. I can now easily recognize men who are drawn to me only for the best of me, and as Marilyn Munroe best put it, “…If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

If I could talk to my younger self – that girl desperate for love and therefore often blinded by ideas, fabrications and untruths in order to try and capture it, I’d tell her:

“Amy, love will come to you, when you learn to love yourself, first and foremost”.

I can’t go back in time to correct my mistakes, but I can today share what I’ve learned with younger women, some who may have a misconstrued idea that giving their body away carelessly can equal love. In the words of my wise friend SK – “Be the gatekeeper”. Your heart is a precious gift. Your body is a temple. Be selective. Respect it and be respected. Love yourself and be loved. It you don’t respect and love yourself first, building a healthy relationship with another is like building a house with no foundation – eventually the cracks and lack of a strong base will cause it to crumble.

Know your value and don’t accept being treated in a way less than you deserve. Now, I don’t mean to start going out there with unrealistic expectations, demands and a sense of entitlement. I am saying that you deserve to be treated the way you treat others, and vice versa. The minute you negotiate your self worth and accept less, you say to the universe that you don’t deserve any better, and the vicious cycle/pattern begins. Change for yourself and of course, friends and partners are great mirror reflections that help you grow. But don’t change out of the wrong reasons to appease someone or in hopes that they will like you more – if they judge you for who you are now – they aren’t your fit. I’ll end off with a quote that is an inspiring reminder:

“But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you, you love, well, that’s just fabulous.” – Sex in the City

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Written by Amy C
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing the heart. Marie Claire calls her "A relationship expert whose work is like that of a scientific Carrie Bradshaw" and her company has been featured across national media including Good Morning America, Vogue, Glamour, Nightline along with the front page of The New York Times. Her book, Breakup Bootcamp - The Science of Rewiring Your Heart, published by Harper Collins, will be released Fall 2020. Profile

15 Replies to “Your Worth”

  1. Thanks Amy for sharing these thinking. You helped an elder woman right now 🙂

    I agree the heart is a very precious gift, but the girls in sex and the city definitely don’t think their body as temples, LOL.

  2. ;* i strongly agree.. most of d times, when we don’t show respect to our own selves, people doesn’t neither.. T_T

  3. Wow, Amy. Based on your wording, it appears that we’re cut from the same cloth, and think the same thoughts. I’ve used some of the very same words as yourself, in my own (earlier) blog entries, as well as stuff I’d posted to Facebook. Clearly, we’re on the same wavelength.

    1. Hi Kate,

      Thanks for reading and for your comment. It’s funny – when I”m going through something emotional in life, I sometimes feel like I’m alone in the experience. As you write and share, you start to realize how people from all different ages and situations all have similar feelings, hopes, fears, stories…

      And at the end of the day, we all want the same thing – love, a big hug when we’re feeling sad or down and some compassionate words of reassurance once in a while.

      Keep writing and sharing. =)


  4. I couldn’t have read your article at a more perfect time in my life right now. I was reading your article on my way home from school today and it felt like you were speaking directly to me. I don’t think you could have described it more clearly or accurately when you said you were “hungry for love, even DESPERATE for it at times, heart aches, heart tramples, picking up that phone when every cell in your b ody knows it’s the unhealthy thing to do, OBSESSING…” I recently met someone and after only 6 e-mails back and forth, he asked me if I wanted a boyfriend? If I hadn’t read your article, I’m pretty sure I would’ve said yes to his question even though clearly I know nothing about him. You say you’re 28 and you wish you could’ve talked to your younger self, “that that desperate for love and therefore often blinded by ideas, fabrications and untruths in order to try and capture it” well, I’m your younger self, i’m turning 19 years old. I will take everything you said to heart and truly believe that I’m worth more then that and keep my heart safe because it’s a precious gift 🙂
    This all sounded too corny, but 100% true at the same time. Thank you, you’ve made my day 🙂

  5. Thank you for this enlightening article. It sums up my own poor relationships with men, including the five men who I thought I could truly count on…my father, my stepfather and my three brothers. They have all let me down. Thanks also for quoting Marilyn Monroe’s famous truth. Her words will comfort me for the rest of my life.

  6. Dear Amy,

    Thank you for sharing your enlightening experiences with us. If I had not picked up last Wednesday’s issue of 24 Hrs on my way to the bus stop, I’d have not read this empowering article. Like Hannah, I felt that your story reflected my experiences with my past relationships and the painful heartbreaks that followed. While reading your article on the bus, it struck me that the reason why I always end up falling for jerks is simple—I failed to love myself. But like you, I’ve learned to be my own gatekeeper. And that means respecting myself and being fully aware that I deserve guys who appreciate my worth.

    I’m truly thankful that I read your article, because it has allowed me to reflect on the lessons I learned from my past relationships. Your article also inspired me to write a Facebook entry about my painful relationships, and through the process of writing, I felt self-renewed.

    Keep on writing and sharing, Amy, because your words are like gems of wisdom. And be reassured that you’ve fulfilled your wishes in writing: your blog entries have touched me, and have made me feel understood and not so alone in the world. I’ll keep your advice and insights close to my heart; although I’m only 19 and have much to learn, your experiences will guide me on my journey of self-discovery. I look forward to reading more of your heartwarming entries!

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